Creating a social media strategy is unique to each business. You are unique, based on your product or service and the customers you service. In this course, you'll see how to stand out from the rest by creating interesting content for your customers and prospects while enhancing your customer service and brand reputation.

Does one of these situations describe your company's current social media?
  • Having someone on your team who can manage social media... but you don't know how to guide them?

  • Seeing your competitors growing on social media and getting results... but you don't know where to start?

  • Being completely overwhelmed the second you think about social media... but you know it's something your company needs?

  • Seeing photos of your business on social media... but you don't know how to leverage this into new opportunities? 

Much of the course will intertwine what you are already doing with other parts of your business and marketing so there is consistency throughout your company's online presence. This can feel overwhelming and your time is better spent elsewhere in your company-that's why we've created a program that teaches efficiency with impact. Saving you time, streamlining the process and giving your business the edge.

Meet the Instructor: Chris Milton

Chris is armed with a background in sales and marketing and a BBA in Business. Chris is usually talking about strategy and tactics for entrepreneurship, real estate, retail, sports and professional services. Chris is passion is for making things work and building systems to make sales & marketing funnels more effective. With a constant curiosity for understanding what works and how to get people and companies moving in the right direction, Chris puts out as much content documenting what he goes through in hopes it’ll make a different in your business.

Chris originally built the Super Social Media system as a way to systematically service clients and drive value through the digital marketing agency that he founded in 2019. Since then, it has grown from a concept to offering a full service packages and that teaches entrepreneurs, business owners and creators how to maximize their social channels to be profitable.

Who is this course for?

This online course is designed to serve a few purposes and has been designed to accomplish all of these with one standardized curriculum. If you fit one of the following categories, the Super Social Media course is for you.

  1. You are a part of the marketing team at 323 Media - yes, this is the start of your formal training. This course allows us to keep everyone aligned and delivering our standard operating procedures.

  2. You are a business owner who is currently handling your own social media and online presence. You understand the value of leveraging social media, but would like to know that the efforts you're making are the best use of your time.

  3. You're responsible for a marketing team that is managing social media for your company and you want to ensure your team is following best practices and operating like an in-house agency, delivering on your company's values. 

Who this isn't for:

This course is not for someone interested in getting rich tomorrow and just making a sale. Super Social Media builds brands, reputation and market share.

This isn't your get-rich shortcut and we would much rather be up front about that. You won't hear outlandish success stories, heroic claims, or a magic secret. This course is filled with the top practices that we use to manage our clients' social media as a part of their overall marketing strategy. 

Setting Expectations:

The pace of the course is designed to provide an applicable weekly module. To some, it might feel like there's not enough content, while others might be underwater. We have seen it all over the spectrum, and we're here to support you.

Utilize all of the resources available to learn each week. The video lectures also come in audio version, supplementary text, additional reading, and downloadable templates and are all included. This should help make the process easier to put into action for each tactic.

Always be asking questions. We have a weekly group coaching session that exclusively covers Q&A on a specific module. Asking questions helps us understand what might need to be improved upon or added to future versions of the course.

Your completed course should be a reference for the future. All participants have lifetime access to the course and our hope is that you can look back and find value (or a new perspective) as your social media evolves. 

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