Learn how LEADS can change the way you do content marketing and how it can impact your business beyond marketing. As entrepreneurs and managers, we understand the importance of having assets that last. By using this method to backstop and fuel your promotional activities while supporting sales and customer service, your efficiency for all customer-facing roles improves. 

Too many websites focus on first impressions and getting people to make that first purchase. This can give you revenue, but your customer service, loyalty and lifetime value becomes the responsibility of a completely different way that the customer isn't familiar with.

Keep consistency in your engagement, incentivize growth and build a strong commitment from your best customers. This leading to better reviews and giving you an edge on your competition. Get started with the first module to develop an edge on your competition.

From there, we'll explore the method behind building a machine that is formulated to grow with your business and it all starts with a commitment to answering your frequently asked questions.

Meet the Instructor: Chris Milton

Chris is armed with a background in sales and marketing and a BBA in Business. Chris is usually talking about strategy and tactics for entrepreneurship, real estate, retail, sports and professional services. Chris is passion is for making things work and building systems to make sales & marketing funnels more effective. With a constant curiosity for understanding what works and how to get people and companies moving in the right direction, Chris puts out as much content documenting what he goes through in hopes it’ll make a different in your business.

Chris originally built the Content Machine system as a way to create clarity for clients that asked "where do we go from here?" after having their website redesigned. Building blogs as a hobby in university, Chris fused the organic growth tactics he saw work with the foundation of content marketing and SEO. 

Content Machine is the most passionate project Chris has worked on because it works and it combines so many things that have independently led to success for numerous businesses.

Who is this course for?

The Content Machine course is ideal for businesses that are looking to grow with their online presence and have been around for long enough to understand their customers. Thinking about scaling their business, Content Machine will be the fuel that changes how business is done.

Who isn't this course for?

This course isn't for someone looking to build a website and create an income overnight. This isn't for a new business to put all their eggs in this basket and expect their business to succeed in a month. It's a method that requires an operational business that is looking for an edge. This isn't a get-rich-quick scheme. It's a process.

Setting Expectations

The course creates a frame work for you to plug into your business, but does require work. Nothing in here is copy and paste - you'll need to be working along with the lessons to cater the learnings to your own situation. 

During the duration of the course, working with your own examples will improve the quality of the outcome and impact that you'll see in your business.

The pace of the course is designed to provide an applicable weekly module. To some, it might feel like there's not enough content, while others might be underwater. We have seen it all over the spectrum, and we're here to support you.

Utilize all of the resources available to learn each week. The video lectures also come in audio version, supplementary text, additional reading, and downloadable templates and are all included. This should help make the process easier to put into action for each tactic.

Always be asking questions. We have a weekly group coaching session that exclusively covers Q&A on a specific module. Asking questions helps us understand what might need to be improved upon or added to future versions of the course.

Your completed course should be a reference for the future. All participants have lifetime access to the course and our hope is that you can look back and find value (or a new perspective) as your content marketing evolves. 

  • 11 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 1 Worksheet

  • 2 Files

  • Hello! Welcome to the Content Machine

  • What You'll Learn

  • How to Build your Ideal Persona

  • Internal Research

  • FAQ At Scale

  • Top 10 FAQ

  • Content Planning

  • Ideal Articles

  • Case Studies that Convert

  • Building a Calendar

  • Next Steps